Transcending the Material

These photos document “Transcending the Material”, a mixed media piece that I created and installed while in residence at the Wassaic Project (an arts collective and residency program located in New York state). The piece was exhibited at the Wassaic Project Summer Music and Arts Festival.

“The installation piece Ben Cuevas chose to showcase at The Wassaic Project features a knitted skeleton seated atop a pyramid of Borden’s condensed milk cans and a cloud of screen prints on Plexi glass suspended above it. The knitted skeleton is seated in the lotus position. The prints are of disembodied anatomical parts photographed in high resolution with diagrammatic illustrative overlays. Ben conceives of the piece as a reference to material culture and Wassaic’s local history (The Borden Company had a condensed milk factory in Wassaic) and a meditation on transcendence.” -Bora Mici

About Ben Cuevas

Ben Cuevas is a Los Angeles based interdisciplinary artist whose work spans a wide range of mediums including installation, sculpture, fiber, photography, video, performance, and sound. Often incorporating several of these elements into any given piece, he makes use of digital media as a means of documentation. In light of its pluralistic qualities, he sees his work as a reflection on the condition of embodiment, exploring what it means to have a body, to inhabit a body, to be a body incarnated in, and interacting with this world.


  1. Victoria

    I am speechless. As a knitter, I am greatly humbled. This is beyond words!!!

  2. Pingback: Amazing Knit Skeleton

  3. Kelly

    206 kinds of awesome!

    Absolutely stunningly beautiful. And inspiring to me as a knitter.

  4. Elaine Kwan

    wow, this is sooooo amazing! I myself am a knitter, I can see there was a phenomenal amount of work that went in to this creation, great job! What talent!

  5. Pingback: ben cuevas uses materials to remind us to not think about materials. «

  6. Susan Zotto

    Absolutely amazing knitwork of a skeleton. The detail of the hands with the phalanges and the spine and vertebrae are….Well, I used to knit sweaters and etc., but this is a feat that is just unbelievable. What a work of art!

  7. biopunk

    I’m drawn to those cervical vertebrae. So impressive!

  8. Amanda

    That is master piece, good job !

  9. ok. this is kinda creepy, but in a very, very cool way. 😀

  10. What an extraordinary installation. A consumate artist!

  11. Kim

    Fantastic, as a knitter and physical therapy student I LOVE it. The details are perfect.

  12. Laura Eastwood

    Amazing. The detail is incredible.

  13. Rebekka Drewes

    Amazing work! I both knit and am in midstream of studying for an anatomy exam, which both makes me even more in awe of your work.

  14. Pingback: adyourbanner » Blog Archive » Knitted skeleton

  15. Krista

    This is SO AMAZING! If you ever think about publishing the pattern I would soooooooooo get it… I’m madly in love with this!!!!

  16. WOW! This is an unbeliveable work of art – Kudos to you!

  17. Ana Rodriguez

    That’s the most amazing skeleton I’ve ever seen. Congratulations, and youmust put the pattern … please please… I really would love to try the skull… and the spine… and… everything… really… it’s just amazing and marvelous

  18. Kimberly

    Love this and so impressed. I am a knitter and just love to see knitted art.

  19. Lauren Keppel

    Another knitter here…truly amazing! From this design it wouldn’t be hard to make a sweater like the Irish fisherman knit style, but with a skeleton. Wouldn’t skateboarders love that?!

  20. Pingback: Knitted skeleton | Products & Tech News

  21. Pingback: Just in Time for Halloween: A Knitted Skeleton | The Crafty Reader

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  24. Vern

    I’m speechless…to say this is inspirational is an understatement. It’s beautiful! Thank you.

  25. Özer

    Beautiful, peaceful and really trascendent. Your message totally gets across, even for a non-artsy person like me. Thanks!

  26. Mya

    Wow! As a knitter I am super impressed! Is there a pattern? 🙂

  27. Pingback: Amazing Knit Skeleton | Elslanderlk675's Blog

  28. Shannon

    i am in awe. this is an awesome endeavor. Live in Boston area would love to see this piece in person. any thoughts of showing here?

  29. April

    Amazing. I’m currently in an anatomy class (of sorts) and this is fantastic, I would love this to help me study! 🙂 Good work! Amazing work actually.

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  31. man, i been wanting to learn how to knit for a while now, and this is the EXACT reason why, very very very inspirational Ben, great job, do you have it in a size 5′ 7.75″

  32. This is amazing, I can’t even imaging how long it took to create this very interesting piece!

  33. Absolutely fantastic! I’m NOT a knitter, but do other needle arts and totally appreciate the masterfulness (mistressfulness?) of this piece! Am sharing it on facebook… Hope you get rich and famous, if you’re not there already!

  34. Roxy

    Wow! That is absolutely amazing.

  35. Snowpuppies

    Fantastic job. The detailing is amazing and I cannot imagine how much time went into this!

  36. Melissa Hahn

    wow. i have no other words. as a knitter, I bow to you!!

    Your a big star on Ravelry…check this out….

    • Thanks! Feel free to contact me about purchasing the piece if you’d like.

      • Jolene R Sheehan

        I don’t know how I’ve missed this, BUT this piece is AMAZING! If you still have this piece I would love to purchase it, or perhaps purchase your pattern? I am a knitter, and instructor of EMT students. This would be perfect in my classroom! You are very talented!

      • Hi Jolene,

        Thanks so much. I’m glad you like my piece! If you’re interested in purchasing please email me at

  37. Crysta

    I want the pattern!

    • Hi Crysta, I don’t make or use patterns for any of my sculptural work. However, I am thinking about patterning my pieces and releasing them as art books at some point in future.

      • Maggie

        I would so love to have that book. My sister [a crocheter] doesn’t understand the versability of knitting. I, myself a knitter, am in love with this skeleton, and if you do pattern it and put it together in a collection for a book I would buy it right away!

  38. Pingback: skeletons «

  39. Nilda

    Zowy…is it next to skin soft yarn? lol, kidding, it’s insane in a very wonderful way. I also love the way it’s positioned. Beautiful

  40. Pingback: Knitted Skeleton Yoga

  41. Pingback: Knitted skeleton | External Brain

  42. Just amazing , a masterpiece of assembly.

  43. judy

    Is it okay to copy the pictures to show friends?

  44. Line

    OMG is all I can say…what a talented knitter…

  45. Amazing!! As a knitter I can only imagine how much knitting this was, as an xray technologist, it is even more so amazing! Great details!!

  46. Pingback: Knitted Skeleton | Fun And comedy

  47. RiponMIT

    What about knitting some muscle and skin?

  48. Fantastic! I’d love to see this in person.

  49. Holy cats this is seriously awesome. Great work!

  50. Jessica-Jean

    WOW! Are you on Ravelry yet?
    We knitters – mostly females – know that there are males who knit; we just don’t hear of them often. We can always use more inspiration from the likes of you!

    Thank you so much. I’ll be sending a link to this to my yoga teacher.

  51. So clever. Love it. Happy I got to see it.

  52. i have knit skeleton heads, but this is phenomenal. i would love the pattern. actually, i would love to be able to knit this without a pattern, but i am only an amateur knitter. right now, i’m into origami polyhedrons, but your skeleton makes me itch to knit something. ben, you are the Michaelangelo of yarn 🙂

  53. Pingback: Something Halloween-y « Happenings on the Hill

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  55. Pingback: Man ved, det er mandag efter en ferie…. « Chance-Strikkeren

  56. Absolutely beautiful. The detail in the metatarsals and thoracic vertebrae are particularly pleasing.

  57. Pingback: [links] Link salad gets a decent night’s sleep |

  58. An amazing tour de force! I’m impressed by both the knitting and the pattern design! I would buy a pattern for this in a heart-beat — I would SO love to knit one myself! (though I’m sure it would take me years to complete).

  59. Pingback: Подарок на Хеллоуин |

  60. I am in awe of your work.

  61. Sandro

    Muito criativo, acredito que quem o fez, e capaz de muito mais.

  62. Pingback: Holli Yeoh Knits » Knitted Skeleton

  63. Pingback: Pins & Tentacles : Reviewsday:Hand-knitted Skulls and Some Links

  64. Pingback: Amazing Knit Skeleton | RJSandz Blog

  65. Pingback: The Art of Ben Cuevas | The Beastly World of Ann

  66. Andrea

    Wow! I am bowled over by the anatomically correct skeleton! What an awesome effort!

  67. Simple amazing and stonning!

  68. Pingback: Blog do Guidu » Exposição de esqueletos e caveiras de lã

  69. Pingback: Knitted Skull Art « Baiduri's Blog

  70. WOW this is beautiful. Not your grandma’s crochet project!!! Amazing talent.

    Nothing against grandma’s crocheting of course. 🙂

  71. Pingback: CRAFT EUPHORIA - Skeleton Details

  72. Sue

    That is just amazing!!!

  73. Meredith Wnek

    WOW This belongs in a museum display. Amazing skill and craft!!! I saw something a week ago or so on a textile piece in a museum. It was pretty absurd and did not show any skill that I could detect. It looked totally random! You’re knitted sculpture is leagues beyond! I am so impressed and wowed!

  74. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Unbelievable Art Installation: Knitted Skeleton

  75. I’m so glad you posted this – what an incredible accomplishment. I’m including you in my Friday Favorites this week on my blog!

  76. Pingback: GeekMom » Blog Archive » Fiber Artist Ben Cuevas Creates Knitted Skeleton

  77. Pingback: knitted skeleton « ettagirl

  78. INCREIBLE!!! genial! para un altar muy especial, ahorita que se acerca el día de muertos!

  79. This is a very inspirational piece. Truely beautiful.

    I’m here via grrl+dog who posted about you on her blog.

    People like you help make the world an exciting place.

  80. Pingback: Thirty Three Things (v. 21) – Halloween/Reformation Day Edition » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog

  81. Pingback: Betrunken Bloggen und Strick-Skelett | Ehrensenf

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  83. Dark_Angel


  84. Natalia

    ПОТРЯСАЮЩЕ!!!!! Amazing!

  85. Pingback: Friday Favorites – Halloween «

  86. fantstic! that boy can sit on my sofa any time! seriously, that is a terrific piece . thanks for showing us! lyle

  87. Pingback: Transcending the Material « Yarnbombing

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  89. Sue

    How beautiful and relaxed your skeleton looks! I have been knitting for years and have always been fascinated by skeletons having studied anatomy, but I would never have thought of knitting one. Can you bring it to England – Bristol’s fantastic and full of knitters, artists and lovely people who practise yoga!

  90. Pam

    A bit creepy, but the workmanship is absolutely amazing!

  91. lyn lewis

    Think I dated him once, but hes better looking now!

  92. Pingback: Happy Halloween! - A Yarn Tale

  93. Hello Ben –
    I’ve been studying the details of your piece, and find the knitting very fascinating! I make dollhouse miniatures (1″ = 1′), and also do mini knitting (sz 00000000 needles!) and am very curious about the size of your skeleton. It is so very anatomically correct – and the knitting is obviously done to follow the contours of the ‘bones’ – especially the skull and vertebrae! Do you ‘plan ahead’ with a ‘pattern’ – i.e., a graph – of what each knitted piece should be like, or do you just ‘freehand it’? What size is the skeleton? What size needles and yarn? I can’t imagine trying something like this – but I am fascinated with all the ‘how to’ stuff – just because my mind keeps ‘asking questions’! Wonderful work!

    • Hi there,

      The skeleton is life sized, and is roughly the size of my own skeleton. I like to reference my body in my work. I don’t make patterns ahead of time, or while I work…that would come after the fact. When I knit sculptures I always just wing it. As far as needle and yarn size goes, it just takes experimentation.


  94. Pingback: theraineysisters » From Susan — Spooky Knitting!

  95. Un seul mot “” faboulus”” kiss from Fance!!!!

  96. c’est génial! j’adore bravo l’artiste

  97. Pingback: Prjónuð beinagrind — Mið

  98. renee

    Most scarey knit art i have ever seen sure out there others will think so too i crochet but this is wow differant renee

  99. Mona

    Ben, I am in awe of your work. Absolutely incredible. Your ability to create such a masterpiece is AMAZING. Don’t ever stop knitting! Mona

  100. Karen

    All I can say is WOW!!! A GREAT piece of art!

  101. Pingback: Día de los Muertos | McCord Works

  102. bgrace

    Just when you think you have seen and heard it all. Whoohoo! Simply spectacular or should I say spooktacular!

  103. diego

    Aw man, this is amazing work.

  104. Pingback: Ben Cuevas’ knitted Meditation-Skeletton - Nerdcore

  105. Pingback: Zur Ruhe kommen: alles ablegen, bis auf die Knochen « KreuzAnkerHerz

  106. Pingback: ⎃ Abiuro

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  108. pip

    wow! that is incredible!

  109. sue from bristol

    Another “how do you…?” Do you use some sort of frame, knit,stuff, then wire or something else? All power to your needles!

  110. Pingback: Squelette en laine

  111. Are you a medical student/knit master/artist? You are amazing. I am amazed.

    • Hi Marsha,

      Thanks for the lovely comment! I’m a mixed media artist who happens to knit 🙂 I’ve never studied medicine formally…my love of anatomy is more of a hobby/fascination that made it’s way into my work

  112. Pingback: Knitted skeleton « Cakehead Loves Evil

  113. Sophia

    I now need to knit a skeleton. I would totally buy a book if it had a pattern for it or even just constructon guidelines. This is really really great.

  114. Marina

    wauw My husband is dokter and i now know what i go to make for his birthday, is this pattern for sale??

  115. Pingback: Amazing Knit Skeleton! | Mink's Craft Blog

  116. Wow! This is absolutely, positively, unbelievably awesome! I’m a new knitter and crocheter and I’m an just in awe, especially with the fact that you’re just winging and experimenting with it. I am an artist as well, and love the whole concept. Bravo! Would definitely buy a book with the pattern for this!

  117. Pingback: Stricken wird zur zeitgenössischen Kunst

  118. Pingback: Tricotar se convierte en arte contemporáneo

  119. Pingback: When knitting becomes modern art

  120. Pingback: Le tricot devient un art moderne

  121. Pingback: Lavorare a maglia diventa un'arte moderna | E-blogs Italia

  122. Потрясающе! Такая тонкая работа, восхищению нет предела, хотя и жутковато! Обычно крючком легче вязать такие вещи, а здесь спицами! Уважаю!

  123. As a knitter and a chiropractor, this is stunning on so many levels!

  124. kim

    OMG how absolutely amazing! I love your take on the skeleton.. Crystal skulls are sooo last century, it’s all about the knitted skulls now ;o) I have an over whelming urge to try to knit a skull now but fear it will send me around the bend completely! Now I know why I held onto grays anatomy all these years!! Cant wait to see what you create next.. I am in awe and inspired by your fabulous work..

  125. As a crocheter for many years – I am just in jaw-dropping AWE of this. Truly amazing!!

  126. Rebecca

    I am just realizing one of the things that makes this so awe-inspiring….by focusing such careful detail and attention on each tooth, vertebra, and joint, your work makes us appreciate the true artistry that went into creating US. Not only is your work magnificently detailed and anatomically correct, but it also teaches and inspires us to look at EVERYTHING with new eyes. Bravo!

  127. Ellen

    Outstanding & Beautiful Work – My son would love it in his room! I could knit the teeth, but that’s about it.

  128. Pingback: Beautiful knitting beyond imagination | Yorkshire Mixtures

  129. Ellen Moore

    Awesome. I knit but that incredible work of art .Thanks for sharing.

  130. kim dean

    ben~i look at these photos and am speechless, your work is amazing both from a kntting standpoint and from an anatomical standpoint, the entire piece is amazing…the knitting makes me want to stand next to it and follow row and look at each bone separately. it is some of the most inspiring work i’ve seen in awhile. it is currently what is in my head for inspiration every time i pick up needles, thank you

  131. Wow this is amazing. Great work.

  132. francestaylorbrown

    Wow! What an amazing amazing creation.

  133. Lisa Brown

    This is an incredible tour de force. Just WOW! I am so glad
    you shared.

  134. Pingback: ‘Transcending the Material’ by Ben Cuevas « Istok Showroom

  135. Pingback: Knitted Skeleton as Art? »

  136. Ben, I liked so much your art that I showed in my blog. It
    is written in portuguese, but if you’d like me to translate it for
    you, it would be nice. I am pretending to make english version for
    my posts… maybe it would be nice. Hope you enjoy my post.
    Sincerely, Gábi

  137. Ben, I’m sorry… I forgot to write the link to my post, it
    Sincerely, Gábi

  138. Deb

    patterns Ben, we need patterns PLEASE!!! my son is in awe and I would LOVE to knit the heart (now???) & the skeleton (someday)

  139. maria gonzalez

    La mama in the lotus position, sitting and guarding her cans of Nestles condensed leche for her little one! Imagine this shown in Mexico hombre! you are genius with the ability to see past the sweaters, scarves, hats, booties, gloves. You see life in all it’s intricacies and and like this incredible piece, we too, will return to our beginnings, but first, just as you’ve done here, you remind us of who we really are. Underneath our clothes, hairstyles, make-up, we are a pile of beautiful bones,and like the creator of the original skeleton, you now create a media which allows us to see beyond, to let all that stuff fall away and show us that we are all alike, to the marrow.

    I am a beginner (can’t even call myself a knitter yet) and this piece took my breath away; inspired me to weave stories about what it was like living in the barrio and drinking Carnation, Pet, instant milk. (and now I knash my teeth at Nestle). But they fed me….bitter sweet, love, hate relationship.

    In your piece, la madre nunca deja a sus hijos no comer. Se sienta en la comida para todos nosotors. you have fed us something really special and unique here. you must be an amazing man. Thank you for helping me think outside the box I forgot I was in! Mas, Mas
    Maria. I am going for my knitting needles right now! Que magnifico eres!

  140. Rosa A.


  141. Pingback: *bone* « paper planes in the sky

  142. I could never do something like that! Those are crazy patterns to follow and would take a very good patience, I don’t think I can do it myself.): Very wonderful with intricate details..Love it!

  143. Pingback: Transcending the Material « The Art of Ben Cuevas « The Simple Spinster

  144. Pingback: The Art of Darkness » Blog Archive » The Fall of the Roman Link Dump

  145. Pingback: Amazing Knitted Skeleton

  146. *blink* !!!!

    I have NEVER see anything like this before – really just incredible work!


  147. Dorota Majewska Umeno

    Amazing! What vision it must have taken to create this. Wow.

  148. Pingback: Zur Ruhe kommen: alles ablegen, bis auf die Knochen « Diesem Herrn kann nicht vertraut werden

  149. what a beautiful skeleton!! Amazing! I am really intrigued by this piece-such an interesting mixture. I love it and wish you all the best!

  150. Pingback: Tasting Cultures: The Arts of Latino Foodways « The Art of Ben Cuevas

  151. Natalie

    I’m a knitter and I would NEVER have the kind of ingenuity that would go into a project like this! Kudos to the designer and knitter… WOW!

  152. Pingback: Boah.. seht euch das mal an! | clauds blog

  153. Pingback: Strickoholikerin » Blog Archive » Stickoholikerins verstrickter Wochenrückblick 13/2011

  154. Gail Levy

    Speechless. What a work of Art!!

  155. Pingback: » The Art of Ben Cuevas Grunge Geek Design

  156. deena

    Stunningly beautiful. As a knitter, I’m nearly speechless.

  157. JackieL

    It is my pleasure to view your knitting creativity 🙂 As an avid knitter, I’d love to see a copy of this pattern! This is true knit artistry… wow!!! Reminds me of Psalm 139:13, which describes God as a knitter too… “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

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  159. Linda Daley

    Just LOVE it! Want to make it too! I’m a knit/crochet technical editor and a massage therapist and would love to have one of these in the massage business. Do you have instructions? Or are you thinking of publishing any? I wouldn’t mind proofing the instructions if need be!

    • Thanks Linda! I don’t really make patterns for any of my work. I would be interested in patterning the skeleton and releasing it as an art book one of these days, though that would be a pretty massive undertaking.

  160. Absolutely FABULOUS…. I am a collector of skeletons and skulls of various types as well as Victorian oddities… Doctor of archaeology and have seen many skeletons over the years, but none quite as unique as this specimen.

  161. sarah

    I’m a knitter and a doctor- I’m doubly astounded. What an incredible artwork.

  162. I am a knitter. And that BLOWS my mind. The different gauges. The teeth. The vertebrae. Bravo. that is a spectacular piece of art. .

  163. This. Is. Spectacular.
    I have no other words.
    The vertebrae and hands are my favorite bits…or maybe the cute button nose.

  164. Wow! The skeleton is absolutely amazing! Phenomenal!

  165. lyn

    As both a yoga teacher and a longtime knitter I am awestruck! Your work is amazing!!

  166. Your work is impressive. I love this piece of art. Thanks for sharing and keep it up!

  167. I am dumbfounded as to how the skeleton was actually knitted up. Two knitting needles way, waaaay up!

    • karllevy

      I bet some sort of CAKD was at work here, I want a CAKD to help make patterns…

      (Computer Aided Knitting Design)

      • Nope, no CAKD. I didn’t use or make any patterns to create the skeleton (or any of my other pieces). Every bone was made simply by looking at a classroom skeleton and replicating the shapes stitch by stitch.

  168. Pingback: Today’s Travels – What Is This I Don’t Even « a sandwich, with words???

  169. elliemay

    this is wonderful ….amazing..and a friend told me look at this ellie not knowing a guy did it..well i dont eva wanna here anyone makin fun of a dude for knitting ect.. cuz i’d like to see them do this! great work!

  170. AliceT

    This is amazing. I am truly impressed.

  171. Pingback: Trendy Knitting Monday « Knit1fortheroad's Blog

  172. Pingback: Eccentrico tricot | Pensieri fatti a mano

  173. Pingback: Gnarly Knitted Skeletons by: Ben Cuevas · Felting |

  174. I wonder if there is wire supporting the inside of each “bone” so it will be stiff enough to hold up?
    I would love the pattern for just the HAND!!

  175. Pingback: Gnarly Knitted Skeletons by: Ben Cuevas | Craft Discount Canada

  176. Aubrey

    This is beautiful!!! I can’t wait to see more from this artist!

  177. Hi Ben,

    I am trying to work out the meaning, and I’m not sure I get it. The installation as a whole mystifies me, as a lot of art does. Can you expand a little bit for us? What is the relevance of the milk cans, and why the Lotus position?


    • Hi Terri,

      Thanks for asking. A lot of art (mine in particular, I think) can come across as dense and mystifying. I almost always have my own intent when creating work (which I’ll delve into), but first I’d like to ask you, what do you get out of the piece? What meaning does it have to you? An artist can use any number of references and seek to convey whatever they’re trying to get across; but I feel the interpretation of the viewer (you!) is just as important.

      For this piece, I chose to install the skeleton in the lotus position in order to speak to the notion of knitting as a meditative practice. I find knitting to be an incredibly soothing act that grounds me in time and space, mind and body. Much like many forms of meditation, it involves repetition and can help to bring greater focus and clarity. I wanted to reference these concepts through the gesture of a knitted human from, yet at the same time, I wanted that human form to harken to the absence of (or freedom from) the body (i.e. the corporeal material that allows us to interact with the physical world). For me the acts of knitting, or making art, or meditating, are all forms of transcendence: all ways in which it is possible to transcend the material (be that our material culture, the material world, or even the very material from which the skeleton was crafted). The title, Transcending the Material, has many meanings on many levels and I invite you as the viewer to meditate on it for yourself. Perhaps you’ll realize something I never even considered.

      As far as the cans of condensed milk go, that was a very site-specific reference (I’m afraid it doesn’t translate very well to the internet from the locale of the skeleton’s original installation). To understand the cans, keep in mind that I created Transcending the Material while in residence at The Wassaic Project, an arts collective in rural upstate New York. The town of Wassaic is home to the first Borden’s Condensed Milk Factory. I incorporated the cans as a nod to local history; however, I feel it implies a conversation with art history as well (think of Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup Can paintings and all they conveyed about the materiality of popular culture). Furthermore, the cans serve a structural purpose: they conceal a portion of the skeleton’s support system, while providing a platform for its legs to rest upon. One could see the knitted remnants of this body as being support by the emblems of a certain place, or by the signifiers of our material culture.

      Hope that helps bring some clarity…or at least gets your mind going ☺

  178. Mho Macfarlane

    Awesome…….an amazing project….tib and fib are the wrong way round tho!

  179. Constance Cole

    My massage therapist wants one.
    I am humbled at the intritacy of the work.

  180. Pingback: Good Press…Pick up your copy today! « The Art of Ben Cuevas

  181. Ricka J. White

    Love your skeleton. You need to publish the pattern. I’d love to knit one for myself. My husband needs to see more than lace shawls and cable sweaters and afghans.

  182. Pingback: Further « scribblingwoman2

  183. Pingback: Craft Euphoria » Blog Archive » Skelton Details

  184. Pingback: Art Spotting: Condensed Milk & Skeletons Made of Yarn | The Luxury Spot

  185. Pingback: Universal Favourite is Transcending the Material

  186. Pingback: L.A. Exhibition at Knit Culture Studio! « The Art of Ben Cuevas

  187. Pingback: For the Love of Knitting: Guest Post by Greenwoman « Martha Mouse

  188. Pingback: Ben Cuevas’s Skeleton @ Knit Culture!

  189. This is kind of really ridiculous. I can’t even begin to imagine how that was knitted …

  190. All I can say is AMAZING! Awsome job!

  191. I don’t suppose you could post a pattern? I’d love to make one.

  192. Elaine Wasilewski

    Wicked! matter,highs, mind/body, this really works!! And… follow on, baa!!! 🙂

  193. JoPi

    You are the daVinci of the knitting world.

  194. Pingback: Halloween Themed Knit and Crochet Projects | from Groupon's UK Blog

  195. Pingback: World’s Strangest | 10 Great Crafts to Make Your DIY Halloween Extra Spooky

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  197. Pingback: 10 Great Crafts to Make Your DIY Halloween Extra Spooky - Sopaipleto » Sopaipleto

  198. Pingback: Spooky Threads | Anastasia E White

  199. Just found this and its truly incredible, the amount of detail is astounding! Wow!!!

  200. Pingback: The Art of Ben Cuevas « Anatomy UK

  201. Pingback: Wool skeleton by Ben Cuevas « Sexlirium

  202. Liz

    Holy fantastic!

  203. Pingback: Zur Ruhe kommen: alles ablegen, bis auf die Knochen « Indogermanisch.

  204. Fantastic! I run an art gallery in Toronto, Canada and we recently had an exhibition of knitted sculpture by Kristin Ledgett of which one piece was a knitted bird skeleton. Beautiful work!
    Have you considered taking this show on the road? Would love to have it up here.
    Please take a look at the website or facebook for the gallery to see pictures of the work by Kristin Ledgett we had here recently.

  205. Pingback: Imágenes laneras III « La Maison Bisoux

  206. Henri Kopecky

    Now, if there were a pattern for this most excellent work I would certainly make the attempt! Amazing!

  207. Pingback: This hand-knitted skeleton is not meant for lab |

  208. Pingback: Interview: Until You Can’t See Land « Ben Cuevas

  209. Pingback: L’homme qui tricotait nu au bord d’une piscine… | Fils de pelote

  210. Pure genius. WOW. We need the pattern!

  211. Reblogged this on crayons and milk and commented:
    Ben Cuevas: Interdisciplinary Endeavors –

  212. Wow! Didn’t look like it was knitted. Brilliant. Also, thanks for liking my blog.

  213. uniquecrochet

    I have no words. I work in the medical field and this is crazy!!! You have some serious talent. I am so humbled by this pc of art. By the way you are KILLING me that your skeleton is sitting on milk!!! Too creative!! I LOVE IT!!!

  214. love it! it reminds me of the bone churches in Europe. beautiful 🙂

  215. I apologize for my lack of understanding the piece as a whole. What is obvious and greatly appreciated (that is an understatement. I am truly in awe of the skeleton!) is the hard work, skills, focus, and what definitely expresses passion for art that was necessary to pull off such an incredible creation.
    All the best to you!

  216. Pingback: Knitted Skeleton | Wightcat Wools

  217. speechless!! even im a scice teacher..i stil cant draw da human skull perfectly..thumbs up!!

  218. idalina

    Gostaria de fazer algo parecido mas longe deste espetáculo acima PARABÉNS!minha filha faz fisioterapia e gostaria lhe tecer um esqueleto, quem tiver um gráfico simples me envie por favor
    Parabéns que Deus continue capacitando vc que fez esta obra.

  219. Amy

    Wow, just wow. Inspirational!

  220. This is awesome! I will be linking to this from my Blog soon.

  221. Lee Sappho

    I’m simply mind blown with your attention to detail…..on top of which I adore knitted objects….especially good ones. This, however, is brilliant.

  222. Hope you release the pattern some day this is fantastic,

  223. Natalie

    Regardless of the fact that I am a knitter this piece is astounding. I love that it is sitting on milk, which helps keep our bones strong and healthy. (maybe not that specific kind of milk but the idea of it still works.) The detail is absolutely beautiful. I am in the minority though. I don’t think you should produce a pattern for this. This is a unique piece of art that you created. Keep it that way!

  224. Pingback: The More You Know: Morbid Knits, Eurovision Kitsch, And The Unstoppable Hipster Takeover of Television | hot diggity daffodil!

  225. I know it is art but all I can think of is all those DPNs!

  226. Josexpressions

    This is all kinds of awesome!!

  227. this is so amazing, I love knitting and so admire this skeleton. Do you have a pattern that I could buy?

  228. Maria Morales

    As a biology teacher and a knitter I would be interested in a pattern. Congrats on your work. Much appreciated.

  229. Pingback: Cours de biologie 100% tricot (2) | L'arbre à laine

  230. Pingback: Dessin… | Accordéon et dentelles au jardin

  231. adam anderson

    Just came across this on a home haunters network and cant even add to all the awe inspiring jaw dropping intracacies! I dont knit and even have hard time understanding some of the abstract art out there, but I could not stop looking at the detail of work in that skeleton. Excelente’

  232. Pingback: Come see the Knit Skeleton! Sept 13th 4-6pm @ Craft in America Center | Ben Cuevas

  233. naturalartist

    Reblogged this on Naturalartist’s Weblog.

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